DAVO uses your TouchBistro POS sales data to set aside the amount of sales tax you collect then files and pays your taxes on time and in full. It’s completely automatic and fully garantizado, para que no tenga que hacer nada (ni preocuparse por nada).
Avalara puede contactarme sobre productos y novedades de Avalara. Entiendo que puedo cambiar mis preferencias en cualquier momento según las instrucciones de Avalara. Política de privacidad.
*You must cancel your free trial before the end of the month in which you activate to avoid being charged $57.99 on the first of the next month. After that, you will be charged $57.99 per month until you cancel. You may cancel anytime by uninstalling the DAVO app from your TouchBistro device.
Otros propietarios de restaurantes hablan sobre DAVO.
“I can’t think of one reason why you wouldn’t sign up. It’s worth it for the peace of mind. Enough is going on that you need to focus on other things that count or really affect your business.”
Prince Pizzeria
Get DAVO by filling out the form above or from your TouchBistro POS. After ensuring your sales tax rate is properly configured and completing an easy, 5-minute set up, you’ll never need to touch it again. DAVO will run in the background and take care of every step of the sales tax process.
Con DAVO, no tendrá que hacer nada de manera diferente. No hay que presionar botones extra ni añadir otros pasos. Simplemente ingrese sus ventas como lo hace normalmente.
DAVO uses data from your TouchBistro POS to set aside the exact amount of sales tax you collect daily. Sales tax is then transferred to DAVO’s secure tax holding account.
Cuando venza su impuesto sobre las ventas, DAVO presentará automáticamente su declaración del impuesto ante el estado, con lo cual garantizamos la puntualidad.
Con el dinero que se reserva diariamente, DAVO paga automáticamente el monto del impuesto sobre las ventas que debe al estado, con lo cual aseguramos el pago completo.
Part of making sales tax stress-free is ensuring that the process is safe. DAVO is trusted by thousands of merchants and uses industry best practices to protect you, your TouchBistro data and your business.